Bryn Mawr Dermatology

Villanova, PA | Collegeville, PA
Chesterbrook, PA

Sublative Laser

Sublative Laser


Let the aesthetic experts at Bryn Mawr Dermatology help reduce the signs of wear and tear on your skin. Sublative laser treatments with eMatrix are an exciting option to improve the appearance of wrinkles, acne scars, surgical scars, enlarged pores and irregular pigmentation. What makes this device especially equipt for handling skin retexturing is its ability to harness the power of radio frequency. We recommend a series of treatments for the best results, which are cumulative, and are most obvious 4-6 weeks after your treatments are complete. The delayed response to this treatment is secondary to how it works: the sound energy penetrates the skin, deep into the dermal layer where collagen and elastic fibers reside; it disrupts the cellular structures in that area causing your own body to respond with an influx of healing elements. This all culminates into smoother, younger looking skin.


If you have skin that is looking dull or tired, or you have wrinkles at rest, then a series of Sublative laser treatments will work hard to reverse those effects of aging. Talk to one of the cosmetic experts at Bryn Mawr Dermatology to see if their revitalization for you includes this device.


Most lasers use light energy to cause microscopic damage to the skin and underlying layers of tissue to create an accelerated production of collagen and elastin in order to heal that damage. During these processes, lasers like the CO2RE destroy the most superficial layers of skin (the epidermis) creating an appearance of a significant sunburn, or if used more aggressively, pinpoint bleeding and scabbing. The results with ablative lasers like this are dramatic, but come with the cost of significant down-time.

The eMatrix Sublative treatment utilizes fractionated bi-polar radio frequency energy instead of light, which allows it to bypass the epidermis, but still penetrate into the deeper layers of the dermis that house collagen and elastin. Non-ablative treatments with the eMatrix are safe, effective, and leave the dermis intact allowing you to embrace your social life as you heal. The precision technology allows us to target treatment-areas that are suffering from the most significant deterioration, thus enabling us to focus on depressed or raised scars which are particularly stubborn. With the right tool, one of the skillful practitioners at Bryn Mawr Dermatology will have your skin tighter, smoother and more refined in no-time!

eMatrix Sublative laser can dependably improve the appearance of the following:

  • fine lines and wrinkles caused by time, gravity, genetics and use
  • raised or keloid scarring that is often secondary to a previous injury or medical procedure
  • hypotrophic scarring sometimes referred to as “ice pick scars” or pock-marks that appear as depression in the skin
  • age spots, sun damage and other types of irregular pigmentation
  • skin laxity


Every practitioner at Bryn Mawr Dermatology who offers this service has been trained both didactically and has accumulated hours of hands-on experience. She understands that the eMatrix Sublative laser is a powerful machine that when not calibrated or set properly has enough power to potentially damage the skin. She will take great care to review your medical and cosmetic history to make sure you are a good candidate and then walk you through what to expect before, during and after your treatment. Your aesthetic specialist may also suggest compatible treatments like dermal fillers or a neuromodulator that will help enhance your results.

During the treatment itself you can expect to be made comfortable by your cosmetic specialist including an application of topical anesthetic cream that reduces the sting of each pulse. Although the procedure is tolerated well, patients appreciate that we take this extra step to “take the edge off.” After a waiting period, the numbing medication will be removed and your treatment area will be cleansed. The Sublative laser settings will be modified to fit your skin type and goals and then a series of pulses will be applied strategically to the treatment area. The treatment itself takes no longer than half an hour and any heat or discomfort that you may experience during the procedure will resolve before you leave the office. For about 48 hours your skin may appear flushed and can feel tender to the touch, but most patients choose to get back to their daily activities right away. A couple of days after the procedure you may experience minor dryness and flaking, which is a normal part of the healing process and means that you are on your way to skin that glows.


Every practitioner at Bryn Mawr Dermatology who offers this service has been trained both didactically and has accumulated hours of hands-on experience. She understands that the eMatrix Sublative laser is a powerful machine that when not calibrated or set properly has enough power to potentially damage the skin. She will take great care to review your medical and cosmetic history to make sure you are a good candidate and then walk you through what to expect before, during and after your treatment. Your aesthetic specialist may also suggest compatible treatments like dermal fillers or a neuromodulator that will help enhance your results.

During the treatment itself you can expect to be made comfortable by your cosmetic specialist including an application of topical anesthetic cream that reduces the sting of each pulse. Although the procedure is tolerated well, patients appreciate that we take this extra step to “take the edge off.” After a waiting period, the numbing medication will be removed and your treatment area will be cleansed. The Sublative laser settings will be modified to fit your skin type and goals and then a series of pulses will be applied strategically to the treatment area. The treatment itself takes no longer than half an hour and any heat or discomfort that you may experience during the procedure will resolve before you leave the office. For about 48 hours your skin may appear flushed and can feel tender to the touch, but most patients choose to get back to their daily activities right away. A couple of days after the procedure you may experience minor dryness and flaking, which is a normal part of the healing process and means that you are on your way to skin that glows.


Patience is a virtue in this situation. The external healing process is relatively short, but the sequence of events put into place when you have an eMatrix Sublative laser treatment are subject to your body’s ability to respond to minor trauma. Your body’s defenses will recognize the disruption in the dermal layer of skin and send out troops of cellular repairmen including freshly oxygenated blood and white blood cells to orchestrate the remodeling of the tissue. Chemical signals instruct cells to create collagen, which serves as a type of scaffolding, and elastin, which creates your skin’s ability to bounce back into place when it stretches. This period of healing takes approximately 3 months to complete, with minor remodeling continuing over the next year.

A good rule of thumb is to take bi-weekly pictures of yourself as you heal to make observing the change more reliable. If you do this, make sure you are taking the pictures with consistency: in the same place, at the same time of day and with the same lighting and angles. We always take professional before-photos of our patients previous to all procedures, and we love seeing the results of our work, so we encourage you to return to our office after three months to have a professional after-photos taken as well. You will be astounded at the difference. To maintain these results we suggest an annual touch up treatment and a comprehensive clinical skin care routine including lots of sunscreen.

Sublative Laser Before and After

Within three months, you should slowly see the big picture come into focus. Your skin should be firmer, more even in texture and tone, and if you’ve pinpointed treatment on an area of scarring you should see that scar start to fade.

Call for a Sublative Laser consultation IN VILLANOVA & COLLEGEVILLE

We welcome you to learn more about what this popular and effective laser treatment can do to meet your goals. Call 610.525.7800 to learn more about Sublative Laser today.

Your Skin is Our Business.



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