Bryn Mawr Dermatology

Villanova, PA | Collegeville, PA
Chesterbrook, PA

Laser Genesis

Laser Genesis


Are you looking to maintain soft, supple skin, but your lifestyle doesn’t allow for any down time? Laser Genesis uses the power of heat to help encourage your body’s natural efforts to regenerate collagen and elastin by focusing near-infrared (NIR) irradiation deep within the skin. This specialized nd:YAG laser is non-ablative (doesn’t damage the outer layer of skin) and has proven to refine the appearance of dilated pores, skin texture and wrinkles over a series of treatments. It also provides you with what we like to call “the red carpet glow.” Many of our clients have found that just one treatment with the Cutera Laser Genesis, which is popular right before a big event, instantly invigorates skin resulting in a look that screams “I just got back from a week-long wellness retreat!” Dr. Christine Stanko made sure to have a Laser Genesis treatment before the Dance Vision Awards in Beverly Hills where she was nominated for the best student of the year.


There are so many answers to this question, but our number one favorite is: this device defies the “no pain, no gain” adage. Laser genesis is a completely pain-free and non-invasive way to revitalize skin. One patient went so far as to say it was “like a day at the beach,” due to the calming warmth of the treatment.

For a Laser Genesis consultation in Villanova or Collegeville, contact our dermatologists today at 610.525.7800!


Collagen and elastin are the building blocks of skin, giving it structure and resiliency. These components, that are essential to young-looking skin but deteriorate over time, reside in the dermal layers of skin (below the epidermal layer that we see). Most procedures that penetrate deep enough to affect the construction of collagen and elastin cause controlled damage to the epidermis resulting in swelling, bruising and sometimes even small wounds that require weeks to heal. These ablative treatments, when applied by a dermatological specialist, have amazing results – improved tone, texture and pigment – but also require significant down-time to heal. The heat from Laser Genesis is created by using short-duration, pulsed wavelengths of 1064-nm, similar to what is used for laser hair reduction.

The main difference is that the energy fluence is significantly lower, but many passes are repetitively made over a section of the treatment area in order raise the internal temperature to a precise degree for approximately a minute. The Cutera device indicates when it is time to move on to the next section of skin with a subtle chime. It is just gentle enough to leave the epidermis completely intact, and just strong enough that when applied for an extended period of time, Laser Genesis raises the temperature of the subcutaneous tissue to a level that invigorates new collagen and elastin production with zero visible side effects. You will see an instant glow after your treatments due to the invigoration of soft tissues underneath the skin including the tiny vessels that feed your collagen and elastin called capillaries. This effect will last 48-72 hours resulting in skin that is plump, radiant and smooth. To develop and retain more permanent results this unique technology needs to be repeated in a series of five treatments, each two weeks apart.


Pain Free
As briefly mentioned above, every treatment with the Cutera Laser Genesis is truly pain-free. It uses no needles that poke, no acids that sting, and no high-energy light that burns. The same reason that this procedure does not cause any down-time – low-energy pulses over an extended period of time, is the same reason that it causes no discomfort.
Color Blind
Many anti-aging procedures on the market, including the vast majority of lasers, are not able to safely treat patients with darker skin tones. Chemical peels can cause hyperpigmentation and devices that use contrast-identification are not sensitive enough and can cause burns. Laser Genesis treatments are recommended for all skin tone and type, from a porcelain Fitzpatrick type I to an ebony Fitzpatrick type VI.
Not Seasonal

With many lasers, we recommend you wait until winter or early spring to treat skin so that your skin will have the least amount of active tan. This enables the technology to treat you safely and effectively. These times are usually easier to find time to “hide-out” for the necessary recovery period.Treatments with Laser Genesis is a great procedure to have Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall, as often as you like, with no restrictions to your UV-exposure either before or after the treatment.

Zero Down-Time
We mean it! You will walk out lovelier than when you walked in. Treatments that exfoliate skin and result in a diminished pore-size and a reduced number of fine-lines and wrinkles almost always fall into the “it looks worse before it looks better” category. Laser Genesis works from the inside out and is so gentle that it skips the “it looks worse” phase and just looks amazing right away.


There is nothing that you need to do to prepare for your visit, no products to discontinue, or anything you need to avoid. You should anticipate that after we check you in, your experienced, licensed, aesthetician will review your medical records with you, and discuss what to expect during the procedure. She will ensure that the treatment area is gently cleansed and position you comfortably in one of our ergonomic treatment chairs. The Cutera Laser Genesis will be positioned beside you and the settings will be adjusted according to clinically proven pulse duration and energy settings. These can be adjusted as the treatment progresses if necessary. 

The Bryn Mawr Dermatology professional will provide you with eye protection and proceed to wave the treatment wand over one treatment area at a time, keeping it a precise distance from the skin surface and moving it at a regular pace. You will feel your skin start to warm in response to the Laser Genesis treatment, but should feel no discomfort. You will also hear the machine chiming with sounds that inform the provider details about the progression of the treatment. The provider will proceed to treat each segment of your face until the entire area has been covered. You will instantly feel smoother skin and see that healthy glow we’ve been talking about.


Like all of the technologies that we use at Bryn Mawr Dermatology, Laser Genesis by Cutera was thoroughly vetted before Dr. Christine Stanko decided to bring it on board. It adds a unique layer of opportunity to patients who desire real outcomes, but can’t commit days to recovery after their treatment, or want an instant result from their skin rejuvenation procedure. Many devices on the market claim to produce results without the proof to back it up, and many more claim that their treatments are “pain-free” and “uninvasive,” and fall well short of those marks as well. The Laser Genesis device truly delivers, and we know this because it was trialed on our own staff for weeks before it was used on paying customers.

The aestheticians who perform this procedure in both our Collegeville and Villanova offices are licensed and specially certified in laser technologies. Similar to our doctors and PAs, they are required to attend days of annual continuing education to ensure the validity of their licences. More than the sum of their credentials and decades of experience, our aestheticians love their jobs, and they love their patients. They take extra special care with every individual to ensure that their goals are heard and enjoy the challenge of finding the combination of treatments and clinical skin care products to meet (and hopefully exceed) those goals.

TELL ME ABOUT RESULTS of laser genesis

Research studies have been performed on patients who have had Laser Genesis in order to validify the claims of the device. Computer assessments using facial surface analysis were performed to topographically assess the skin. Histological evaluation was performed during which small biopsies of treated patients were assessed under a microscope before, during and after treatments. When these objective measurements were compiled they showed:

  • Increased elastin and collagen in the skin
  • Decreased quantity and diameter of dilated pores
  • Smoothing and thickening of the epidermis
  • Increased water retention

Objectively, patient satisfaction after a series of Laser Genesis treatments is very high. Clients have noted that they instantly get compliments from friends and family who can’t place exactly what is different, but know healthy skin when they see it. What patients see:

  • A reduction in the number and size of visible pores
  • Improvement of skin texture – firmer and more resilient skin
  • Fewer and less pronounced wrinkles
  • Makeup applies more smoothly
  • A healthy “glow”

learn More About LASER GENESIS

Get started today by calling our dermatology team at 610.525.7800 or easily book an appointment by clicking the Request an Appointment button at the top of the page. We look forward to caring for you!

Your Skin is Our Business.



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